MAX ALTITUDEMatho Kangri is a formidable mountain on the Stok Range in central Ladakh. It is not as popular as it's neighbouring mountain as it just falls short of the 6000m altitude. Matho Kangri is a challenging trekking peak nonetheless. In winter, the challenge increases manifold but so does the rewards! Experiencing winter at these altitudes is a joy in itself if you can put up with the harsh conditions.This is an exploratory climb which comes with a fair share of uncertainities and we are inviting a select few members who we feel enjoy the challenge. An added bonus of this inaugural climb of ours is that we did not find any record of Matho kangri being climbed in the winter.
The climb is a solid winter expedition and would be highly demanding on both the body & mind. One would need to be prepared for tough days at high altitude in harsh winter environment. Expected temperatures on summit day is around -35° C and factoring in the wind chill, can go as low as -40°C. It is a perfect preparatory trip for people climbing Everest or other high peaks in the Spring season. One would get a chance to test all their gear in temperatures similar to that on 8000m climbs in Spring.
₹20000 / $400 - Booking Amount
If it becomes necessary to cancel your trip, you must notify the office immediately in writing. The below terms would be applicable.
Please note: Cancellation terms differ based on the trip type. Cancellation charges mentioned below are for this particular trip only.
- More than 60 days before departure: Booking amount + cancellation charge on services booked for you (air/ train/ bus tickets, hotels etc).
- 60 to 30 days before departure: 50% of the trip cost + cancellation charge on services booked for you (air/ train/ bus tickets, hotels etc).
- Less than 30 days before departure: 100% of the trip cost.
A moderate climbing expedition to a peak above 6000m. These climbs generally have a short approach march and a challenging summit day which is attempted from a base camp or an advance base camp. The climb will require basic climbing skills and would involve being roped up on glacial terrain and climbing with mountaineering boots and crampons in excess of 10hours on the summit night. Some climbs even require you to climb on fixed ropes with an ascender on steep terrain. The level of difficulty both physically and technically is a notch above a trekking peak.
This being a winter expedition, the temperature & winds are the biggest factors. The temperatures routinely go down below -20'C and can go as low as -40'C on summit day. To endure those kind of temperatures day in day out, you need a lot of motivation and mental strength apart from very good warm gear.